2024 Reel-Time Challenge


Watch FULL video above.

The 2024 CTS Reel-Time Challenge

PRIZES: 4 Amazon gift-card ($50 each)

WHEN: May 1-31

OPEN TO ALL TROMBONISTS (no CTS affiliation required)

WINNERS announced starting June 2nd on our Instagram (@clevelandtromboneseminar). The categories are:

  1. Most dedicated

  2. Best video (chosen by CTS Staff)

  3. Shachar’s favorite video (Pro tip: check out @shachartrombone on IG for his favorite things)

  4. An additional category (revealed after June 2nd). *CTS faculty and staff excluded from this 4th category.

To enter:

  1. Pick a SKILL to improve on for the month of May (alongside maintaining a healthy playing “diet”). 

  2. COMMENT with your choice of skill on the CTS Instagram video introducing this challenge. We know that publicly announcing our intentions keeps us more motivated and accountable. Don’t forget this important step before you start!

  3. SPEND a few extra minutes each day working on that skill.

  4. VIDEO RECORD yourself when working on that skill. Recording yourself is a great tool for immediate feedback and is the quickest/surest way toward improving. 

  5. POST a short reel from your recording EACH time and tag us (@clevelandtromboneseminar). Each reel wins you points. It can be a short clip you liked, or a short clip you are struggling with and need advice... 

A few tips:

  • Keep your eyes on the prize (improving on the skill… but also the $50 gift cards 😀).

  • To work on articulation, you can choose Kopprasch or Arban’s etudes/studies, or a movement from a Baroque Sonata. You can pick a lyrical etude or a song to work on legato (Blazhevich etudes will work well for many skills). Pick a set of scales or arpeggio patterns if you’re working on intonation/articulation/legato (Arban’s is always a good choice). Play a Bordogni up or down the octave to work on your range, or in different clefs to work on both range and clef reading. Find music that’s new to you each day if you chose to work on sight-reading. 

  • Utilize differing methods and ways to improve on your skill. It’s effective AND it’s fun… Play it slow, play it fast, play it loud, play it soft, play it in a house, play it with a mouse, play it in a box, play it with a fox…

  • In addition to working on the skill, make sure to PLAY WELL. Meaning, your best sound, musicianship, etc’.

  • Don’t just play through the task. Make sure the skill ACTUALLY improves (eg, the legato is actually smoother, articulation actually cleaner, high-range actually relaxed and sounding pretty, soft playing actually consistent and with a sweet sound)

  • Visit the Instagram comments every so often to learn of other trombonists’ selections and maybe pick up a few ideas for working on yours.

  • It’s called trombone playing, NOT trombone working… so play and have fun!